Hot Water Cylinder Solutions

Yikes, the kids used all the hot water and the shower’s running cold? Hot water cylinders have been proudly warming New Zealander’s bathwater for many a happy decade… BUT, in today’s world, they’re way behind the times in terms of energy efficiency.

Nothing comes close to gas hot water heating systems, and Whitehead Plumbing & Gas are the expert installers for Christchurch and the Canterbury region.

We supply instantaneous gas heating for new or existing homes. As soon as you turn the tap on, it fires up and gives you hot water.

Top 5 Advantages Of Gas Hot Water Systems

  • You Pay For What You Use. It’s as simple as that! You aren’t paying to heat, store and keep water warm all day in a cylinder for intermittent use.
  • Continuous Flow. The water is heated as it flows through the system, so there’s no running out of hot water.
  • Done In A Day. It takes less than a day to install or convert.
  • More Space. You gain the space in your house that your cylinder cupboard was previously occupying. Who doesn’t love more space?
  • High-Tech Options. Some of our instantaneous gas hot water systems can hook up to an app on your phone. That means you can remotely control the temperature of your hot water. Running it at too high a temperature means you can end up adding cold water and paying for heat you aren’t using. By tweaking the temperature, you can end up saving on gas and money.

All our gas-fitters installers are qualified and experienced. Call us today on 03 379 0711 to find out more.
Let us shower you with great ideas. Your water, heating and gas specialists – anytime, anywhere.

4 responses to “Hot Water Cylinder Solutions

  1. Grant HartleyGrant says:

    Hot water cylinder is leaking.
    Considering instant gas hot water.
    Can you provide a quote asap?

  2. Eva Sutherland says:

    Hi there, looking at getting gas hot water system installed in my house. I like a quote on the total price. Do you have the units as well or do they need to be purchased separately?

  3. whiteheadplumbing says:

    Hi there Grant, apologies for the late response. Please give us a call on 03 379 0711 to discuss this further so we can get you an accurate quote.

  4. whiteheadplumbing says:

    Hi there Eva, apologies for the late response. Please give us a call on 03 379 0711 to discuss this further so we can get you an accurate quote and talk about units.

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